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  1. Official 4R44E Problem Thread!

    Thank you! I’ll look into that swap. sounds like ford took the same route that GM did with the northstar’s headbolts. Known issue, but… meh. I’ve done a few auto to manual swaps. I usually just drive the pin in the shifter out. Sourcing the ecm is typically the hardest part. Funny thing- I...
  2. Official 4R44E Problem Thread!

    Hey guys- new member. Ish. I have a 96 3.0/4r44e 4x4 with 235k miles with a 10 year old transmission rebuild. Flushed the trans fluid and installed a wix filter when I put it together in November. Recent purchase from a neighbor that I thought was a friend right before she moved away. It sat...
  3. 94 Ranger - Largest spare tire size for under bed spare carrier.

    I am actually trying to figure out what the issue is with this. My 96 owner’s manual says that a 235/75/15 spare will damage the tire or the truck. I have that size in my cage now. I had to trim the curved part of the flap that holds the cage up so it would fit around my hitch, but I’m not...

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