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  1. What did YOU do today?

    Try a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in water. Chug it down, and within a minute or so you'll let out some of the most foul burps you've ever had, and you'll feel better. Not good if you need to observe a low sodium diet though. It works way way better for me than Tums.
  2. Wendys...

    I remember the pizza being ok aside from looking like a carpet sample. Then I saw them rolling a cartload of the boxes down the hall that said "IMITATION CHEESE PIZZA" in big block letters. That was the end of that. The chicken patties were ok, they were kind of like big chicken nuggets on a...
  3. Wendys...

    Back when I was in grade/high school we'd sometimes get "ribs" for lunch. It was one of these patties. I'm pretty sure they were just steeped in their own juices in the big stainless pans before being fished out and placed on the tray. They were pale grey and somehow had char marks despite...
  4. Todays weather

    I worked for a cemetery in Fargo, ND when I was in school and my boss talked about having to round up floaters during the 1997 flood. I asked how he knew who was who. He said he just asked them lol.
  5. Todays weather

    The FL panhandle got a fair amount of snow yesterday, ~8" in Pensacola. I saw a meteorologist explaining that they would be essentially getting lake effect snow fed by the Gulf. Wild.
  6. Todays weather

    I have to say, I don't miss that.
  7. Todays weather

    It was -20 back home when I looked this morning, their forecast high is -16. It's 58 here and looks like a drizzly week with highs in the 60s.
  8. What did YOU do today?

    Cleaned up the remains of a dog bed. I was laying watching TV and I thought Diesel was chewing on his bone. Guess not. When I caught him he laid down on the shredded bed and looked at me as if he was saying “See, just a bed, good to go, nothing to see here, move along.”
  9. Unites States Postal Service (USPS) Nitemare

    Maybe I've been lucky, but my experience with USPS has been mostly positive. In my former (very small) town we had the postmaster's cell phone number and she would help us out with any issues. Here it's been pretty good too, I can't thin of any issues we've had. UPS on the other hand, I have...
  10. What did YOU do today?

    Diesel’s been given a clean bill of health. No more parasites and he’s growing fast. According to the DNA test he’s a mix of Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, and Boxer. He’s got the brain of a coked up toddler in the fully capable body of a teenager. All jokes aside he’s very intelligent...
  11. What’s for dinner tonite!

    My wife has a sensitivity to gluten so we make tortillas from yuca flour. It's actually really easy and they're better than we can get in a store. Get a good cast iron or wood press and you're off to the races. Also, cut three sides off a ziploc bag and use that to line the press. The...
  12. When did this become a thing?

    I've seen a few of those around the last few years and thought the same. I just saw one broken down on the side of the road a week or so ago. They also seem to always have tires stretched over rims that are too wide. I've also been seeing that on lifted trucks. To me it makes the wheels look...
  13. Todays weather

    I looked at the weather back home this morning and it was 9 degrees. It looks like they'll get below zero later this week. Here it was breezy and in the 40s this morning, 70s now. I have to say it doesn't suck.
  14. What did YOU do today?

    Yesterday we brought Diesel in to get fixed, but found out he has hookworms and anemia so bad they wouldn't do the surgery. It wasn't too surprising and I kind of expected it to be honest. He has to get dewormed again and some supplements for the anemia and hopefully it will clear up in a few...
  15. What did YOU do today?

    That's awesome! Back home there were people that advertised this as a service; they would bring their goats to clear your vegetation. I'd get some if the town I live in allowed it.
  16. What did YOU do today?

    My Son is in the police explorers here and they worked at an adoption event for the local shelter this weekend. He, like his mom and dad, has a soft spot for animals and took a shine to one of the dogs there. Everyone meet Diesel, the newest addition to our zoo! He is one of three pups that...
  17. What did YOU do today?

    Pheasants are tough birds, a dog is almost a necessity to be effective. Grouse seem to die a lot easier and they are weak runners. A friend of mine calls them flying livers. If cooked like liver they come out pretty good! Pheasants are definitely more table friendly though; they're basically...
  18. What did YOU do today?

    Looks like an excellent day! I miss bird hunting. Pheasants are such strong runners it's dang near impossible to find them without a good dog. Even then they are hard to pin down. Sharpie season was always open before pheasant and they were much less sought after. I used to go out late...
  19. Todays weather

    If I remember right, @Ranger850 is in or near Tallahassee. It looks like they're going to get smacked.
  20. What did YOU do today?

    Haha it’s not all that interesting but what the heck here goes. It’s Latin, written by a poet named Ovid, and translates as “be patient and tough, this pain will someday benefit you.” I’m hoping it’s still really visible after my fur coat grows back in, we will see.

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