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Search results

  1. looking for a high mpg wagon

    Citroën 2CV, gets great fuel mileage and has a soft long travel suspension system.
  2. Anyone know much about water wells?

    What does 50' of 1.25" black poly cost now? Barbed fittings and clamps to attach fitting? I was meaning the ejector/packer/venturi unit, not the pump. The original is long gone. I have a new 3/4 hp convertible pump. It's a 2" well, so I don't think submersible is an option. I already have a...
  3. Anyone know much about water wells?

    It would be used for an irrigation well only. All I've been able to find for a replacement ejector/packer/venturi unit is pretty expensive. I'd like to use PVC schedule 40 pipe to replace the heavy steel pipe. Do they sell rebuild kits for old units?
  4. Anyone know much about water wells?

    I'm messing around with an old 1970 Florida water well that was abandoned 20+ years ago when the county forced everyone to go to municipal water. It's a deep well that used a jet pump. It's 115' deep with a 2" steel casing that's 48' deep according to the county records. I pulled the drop pipe...
  5. Recycling old ammo brass...can I, should I?

    Once fired sorted undamaged ( not cracked, not flattened, no fluting marks, etc ) boxer primed brass is worth far more to reloaders than as scrap brass. Harvested lead is valuable for black powder guys.
  6. Non-Ethanol

    Florida is terrible for vehicles, both inside and out. I don't suggest storing any vehicle with an empty tank, unless it's in the SW desert or in climate controlled storage. I recommend draining the tank of gas and filling with Diesel or something like K1 that you use otherwise. IMO fuel...
  7. Non-Ethanol

    I'd only use it for storage, but only short term. If you know you're not going to use it for a long time, drain the tank and protect it with something to keep if from rusting. There's a few ways to do that. Easiest would be to fill it with Diesel and then recover the Diesel before using it. IMO...
  8. New tools you've bought recently?

    You should be able to find an aluminum or sheetmetal end cap filter tool that fits and uses a 3/8 extension or ratchet.
  9. Seeking suggestions for a 110v MIG welder.

    If you care about the quality of your welds and work, avoid flux core. If you're fixing equipment out in the field and don't care what it looks like or how long it lasts, use flux core. I could be wrong, but I remember a welding instructor saying something about flux core welds being almost...
  10. Weird microwave

  11. Grout

    You want a quality epoxy grout like Power Grout. Be advised that it cures much faster, so you have less working time. Follow the directions, don't use nasty hard mineral water and don't let the sun shine on the uncured grout. Pex A with the plastic expansion rings is the best. I prefer Uponor...
  12. Seeking suggestions for a 110v MIG welder.

    Go 220 volt and make an extension cord out of 10 ga wire. Easy to plug into a dryer outlet or a breaker. I used to do portable welding with a Millermatic 185. It's better to have power and a decent duty cycle that 220 volts gives you, IMO. Flux core is lame for serious work, unless it's farm...
  13. 1994 E150 5.0 no start.

    I ended up ordering a Cardone lifetime warranty distributor, because you have to totally disassemble the distributor to replace the pick up coil. I also bought a cheap coil. Replaced the distributor and the van fired right up. Thanks everyone for the help. I do have one related question. I...
  14. The Great American Classic

    You can pick up a bit more power by; cutting open your stock muffler, removing the baffles and then cutting the pea shooters just in front of the crimp holding in the baffle, then yank the inner baffles out. Install the hollowed out pea shooters just deep enough into the hollowed out muffler to...
  15. The Great American Classic

    36 horse and split case trans?
  16. 1994 E150 5.0 no start.

    Let's see if I understand it correctly, the ICM should have 12 volts coming into it via the red/green wire, with the ignition on and during cranking? The ICM is also supposed to send power to the pick up coil in the distributor, when the ignition is on and while cranking? The ICM also sends hot...
  17. 1994 E150 5.0 no start.

    I jumped the + side of the coil to the + of the battery and nothing changed. Since the ICM is getting hot on the red/green wire when the ignition switch is on and while cranking, and jumping the coil doesn't change anything, can I safely assume the wiring is good? Does the pickup coil in the...
  18. Woods/trail pistol?

    Black powder round, made long before smokeless and magnums. Still deadly at short range, especially before modern medicine.
  19. Woods/trail pistol?

    If going with something under .41 mag, I'd want more then 6 rounds. Hopefully he uses some hot loaded hardcast or solids. I'd also want an RMR, especially with my older eyes. Have you seen the video where a guy kills a bear over bait with a blowgun? I'd feel good with a Ruger Old Army, max...
  20. 1994 E150 5.0 no start.

    That was my first thought, so I tried starting fluid. Still won't run and by checking with a test light, I found no power to the coil. I'm going to hot wire the coil and see what happens.

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