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  1. 1984 ranger 2.8l fuel not getting to carb

    I did swap in the 87 tank and put an in-tank fuel pump. System has been working great since installed!
  2. MAF Troubleshooting - bad ecm?

    With the engine running, unplugging the sensor drops the idle and it dies after 10 seconds or so. So I guess I'll leave the MAF alone and continue on. I tightened up a few things on the air box and it seems to have helped (also no gasket was present between the MAF and air tube headed to the...
  3. MAF Troubleshooting - bad ecm?

    So the 6V I'm seeing on the tan wire with the sensor unplugged is normal?
  4. MAF Troubleshooting - bad ecm?

    I swapped a 4.0 from a '92 Explorer into my '84 BII last winter. I'm (slowly) trying to diagnose some high idle issues I've had all along and am currently working with the MAF sensor to see if that might be the issue. On the MAF plug there are four pins. As I understand it, it's set up like...
  5. Can't get Engine Running codes

    Nope, no difference in how the engine runs.
  6. Can't get Engine Running codes

    Same result. No lights on the tester when I hook up the jumper. I'm hooking it up like this, but using a 12V test light in place of a meter. https://www.therangerstation.com/tech_library/images/eec-iv_testing1.gif Connecting this way I get codes with KOEO, but not Engine Running codes
  7. Can't get Engine Running codes

    Okay. I've had everything hooked up, then started the engine. Looks like I need to have the engine running (and up to temp), then connect the jumper. I'll give it a shot.
  8. Can't get Engine Running codes

    So I recently finished the 4.0 swap into my 84 Bronco II. Okay, I'll be honest, and say I'm not finished. It's running and driving and putting a constant smile on my face when behind the wheel (what a HUGE improvement over the 2.8!!), but I still have wiring to clean up and gauges to get...
  9. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    Thanks, @franklin2. The ammeter did work with the 2.8L. I'm using the 4.0L alternator and wiring. Is there a way to get this working? Will the 4.0L temp sensor/switch work with the 84 gauge?
  10. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    I spent time this weekend trying to get gauges working in the dash. I'm wanting to keep all of the original gauges in my 84 Bronco II. I installed the oil pressure sensor from my 2.8L into the 4.0L, so that one was pretty easy (though it's only working intermittently). However, I'm not getting...
  11. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    WooooHoooo! Fixed! My wife even took it out for it's first spin tonight since the motor swap. I hope to get the second drive tomorrow. So my relay problem ended up being a ground issue, as you all led me to. Specifically, PCM ground. So who's up for a game of "Name That Connector"...
  12. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    pc = PCM? You need to go a little slower with me 🤔
  13. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    Yep, this is all from the '92 Explorer. EEC relay is working and sending 12V to the fuel pump relay on the red wire. The EEC grounding the other side of the fuel pump relay may be my issue.
  14. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    Fuses are good. Even with key off I'm getting 12V to the fuel pump relay on the yellow wire, as I should. I pulled the relay out and put a jumper in the block, and the fuel pump kicked right on. So why isn't it closing when triggered by the power from the eec relay? I would think it's a bad...
  15. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    Well, ran this test this evening. No welding or fireworks, but also no change. I've gone back a few steps - the fuel pump relay isn't closing. Eec relay is closing and sending voltage to the fuel pump relay, but voltage isn't going through it.
  16. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    If anyone's going to be guilty of redgreen repairs, it's probably going to be me. Just to clarify... Unplug the capacitor, run a jumper wire with 12V to the wire I unplugged from the capacitor, then jump the starter solenoid?
  17. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    I'll need some instructions... Where are the pdb diode and noise capacitor?
  18. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    I think it was exposed out of the split loom just through the process of the engine swap. The loom is brittle, so weaving it down into position I probably broke the loom some. I did ohm the two wires from the crank position sensor back to the edis, and they checked out.
  19. 84 B2 2.8L swap to 92 4.0L - transmission and wiring questions

    It was bare wire, with the foil shielding around it and the other two insulated wires going down to the crank position sensor.

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