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  1. Kelvinf

    Wont go into gear when running

    The way we do it is, undo the master cyl rod from the petal, undo the master cyl from the fire wall. Push the master cyl through the firewall toward the engine enough to raist the lower end to an upward position. Doesn't have to be straight up, just an upward angle. Fill the res with fluid, then...
  2. Kelvinf

    Wont go into gear when running

    Sounds like you still have air in the system. Try bleeding the clutch master cylinder. This will require you to remove it to bleed it. You tube has several videos on this process.
  3. Kelvinf

    New guy, 2001 Styleside 4wd…

    Welcome. Do you have any pictures of this beast?
  4. Kelvinf

    Back in the Ranger game!

    Very nice sir.
  5. Kelvinf

    Back in the Ranger game!

    Welcome . Nice find. What is peaking out to the left?
  6. Kelvinf

    Anyone do Genealogy / Ancestry?

    I did the Ancestry.com one from a gift. I have traced last name back to my 17th great-grandfather born in 1385 in the Netherlands on my dads side. I guess its ends with me due to having a daughter born and no son.
  7. Kelvinf

    Anyone do Genealogy / Ancestry?

    Familysearch is great.
  8. Kelvinf

    Missouri Kansas Ford Ranger Owners group on Facebook Meet 03-17/2024

    Hello everyone. We had a meet yesterday at Twin Peaks in Independence Missouri. Here are some pictures of the group.
  9. Kelvinf

    Stuck in 4 high

    Our 98 Ford Explorer did the same thing a few weeks back except it was stuck in 4x4 low. I undid the battery for 30 minutes and let it reset, It came out of 4x4 low but would not change no matter where you turned the dial. We replaced the shift motor and it works like a charm again.
  10. Kelvinf

    Salvage Yard Seats - Airbag Safety

    Post some pics when you get them installed.
  11. Kelvinf

    Salvage Yard Seats - Airbag Safety

    I cut the tracks off of the Ranger and Focus seats and then welded the Ranger tracks back onto the Focus seats. Removing the tracks took the most time. Its an all day job but worth it. .
  12. Kelvinf

    Utility bed Ranger in KC

    Not mine but nice in KC. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1083370826016717/?mibextid=dXMIcH
  13. Kelvinf

    TRS Calendar 2024

    It finally delivered last week. Its a very nice calendar. Thanks @ericbphoto for your work.
  14. Kelvinf

    TRS Calendar 2024

    The calendar place said: Hello, It definitely has been shipped out. It will stay in that status until USPS scans it in to their system. They have informed us that they are very backed up at their sorting facility so things are taking a bit longer to get moving. I apologize for the inconvenience
  15. Kelvinf

    TRS Calendar 2024

    Mine says the same
  16. Kelvinf

    Hey everyone.

    Welcome to the site.
  17. Kelvinf

    95 Ranger

    Welcome to the site.
  18. Kelvinf

    Hello from Poland . My Ranger Edge Restoration

    Nice color on the truck. Welcome to the site.
  19. Kelvinf

    Greetings form NE Florida

    Welcome to the site

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