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  1. Skooby

    New Luk clutch engagement

    End result- I'm pretty sure we had it bled out ok, the problem was intermittent toward the end and only when my son was trying. So.......I got under the dash and started looking and I noticed that if there was any lateral pressure on the pedal to the left the pedal shank would land on the end...
  2. Skooby

    New Luk clutch engagement

    New development. Was as I described b4 clutch felt good, air bled, going into gear no problem, low engagement point. He moved it out of the shop for the first time since the work, got out to check clearance behind the truck, left it running in N, when he got back in clutch felt spongy again...
  3. Skooby

    New Luk clutch engagement

    Slave and master were not changed, only the clutch parts and the flywheel was surfaced
  4. Skooby

    New Luk clutch engagement

    My son just installed a new luk clutch kit (non self adjusting). The engagement point is right at the floor. We have the system bled for sure and it goes in and out of gear now with no grinding into reverse like it did before it was bled properly but the engagement is literally right as you...
  5. Skooby

    Clutch Engagement point is all the way to the floor?

    You ever get anywhere with this?
  6. Skooby

    How to- 2.9 idle adjustment

    My under hood sticker is a hundred r0m higher than this chart shows too....
  7. Skooby

    How to- 2.9 idle adjustment

    My issue is a low idle and if I use the stop screw to raise the idle it going to push the TPS voltage over 1V and mess with the computers parameters....i also found this on another site that breaks it out a bit more by the years
  8. Skooby

    How to- 2.9 idle adjustment

    I'm curious if this works on the later models as well? 91-92? And if so how do you reconcile for the TPS voltage being high or low after adjusting the idle this way?
  9. Skooby

    The legendary 2.9 Free Floating Rockers

    My son just finished his up!
  10. Skooby

    Which TFI module?

    This is why it's so confusing.....what were the black ones used on?
  11. Skooby

    Which TFI module?

    Any way to check by vin if my 1991 2.9 is CCD (black) or push start (grey) ?
  12. Skooby

    2.9L key on fuel prime 5min

    He's ran techron through it a couple of times, seems like dirty injectors would be more consistent and predictable? Or am I off base? I was leaning toward testing the MAP and rechecking the TPS (new).
  13. Skooby

    2.9L key on fuel prime 5min

    It's my kids truck....so getting accurate info is sketchy at best lol! The worst part is It's an intermittent issue...but aside from that it only seems to do it when warm and over 3000 rpms. Was trying to figure out if the 91s had the rev limiter on the neutral saftey/clutch switch but I...
  14. Skooby

    2.9L key on fuel prime 5min

    Ok. Picked up an OEM PCM from a junkyard. Opened and inspected all the caps and checked for burned traces on the PCB, all good! Installed and the fuel prime/starting issue is solved! Fires right up and drives every time! A secondary issue that I had not asked about still exists...
  15. Skooby

    2.9L key on fuel prime 5min

    I'll try that this weekend.....this issue is VERY predictable. As soon as the pump shuts of, I can hear one of the relays in the engine bay (haven't isolated which one) click, then the truck fires right up! I thought I had read somewhere that the pcm would not allow the truck to start during...
  16. Skooby

    2.9L key on fuel prime 5min

    This is the second cardone reman PCM I've gotten.....as far as I can tell the fuel pump prime cycle is all controlled by the PCM. The fuel pump runs constantly with the key on and truck will not start. BUT... after roughly 5 min the pump FINALLY will shut off and the truck will fire right up...
  17. Skooby

    Rancho p/n?

    Anyone know the part number for rancho shocks for a 1991 rear with a 4" lift?
  18. Skooby

    Spout in, no start. Spout out, start

    Failed PCM. All better.....
  19. Skooby

    Spout in, no start. Spout out, start

    Step 9 on the worksheet is the measurement I was referring to. But step 8 was confusing to me because I did not have 0 ohms.....but the worksheet does not give info on where to go if you don't have 0 ohms. Tried to find it on the wiring diagram to no avail....
  20. Skooby

    Spout in, no start. Spout out, start

    Yes, the new distributor had a black one so I swapped it out with the new grey one that I had previously installed on the the old distributer. With truck running I have 5v on one side and batt + on the other side of the Spout connector.

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