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  1. dogboy

    2000 Explorer SAS/ Ranger nose

    Finally got the time to paint the nose, being off work due this whole Corona virus thing. And stuffed a Warn 8274 behind the grill also. Definitely tight, but it fit. Next is going to be rock sliders
  2. dogboy

    2000 Explorer SAS/ Ranger nose

    I finally got around to posting some pictures. I haven’t gotten anything done to it in a few months really. It still needs sliders before I destroy the rockers, and the nose finished.
  3. dogboy

    2000 Explorer SAS/ Ranger nose

    That’s a good idea! I’ll do that in the morning.
  4. dogboy

    2000 Explorer SAS/ Ranger nose

    I can’t figure out on my phone how make images small enough to upload. That’s the only one I had that will work. I’ll work on it.
  5. dogboy

    2000 Explorer SAS/ Ranger nose

    I haven’t posted on here in a long time, so I figure I might as well share this one. I did a D30 SAS from a WJ grand Cherokee because of the bigger brakes, better steering, and 3” wider than a Cherokee axle. I had heard most people use a Toyota steering box, but I wanted to try to use a Ranger...
  6. dogboy

    Thinking of moving to Seattle area

    If you're new to this area, you'll have to try out Tahuya, Elbe Hills, and Evans Creek! Elbe is probably the closest from Yelm.
  7. dogboy


    Haha, yeah, Semanski is a different name on the otherside of Griffin. If you drive down Semanski enough, you'll see one of the Rangers. I'm only a couple blocks from Griffin.
  8. dogboy


    Nice!! I'm over off Semanski. Just a couple blocks away from you. You'd see a bunch of rangers, my f250, or crew cab dodge, in the driveway. I haven't figured out whose red B2 that is at O'Reillly's.
  9. dogboy

    Western Washington July meet

    Me and my girlfriend want to try and get a little meet going for the weekend on July 11th/12th. Not a wheeling trip or anything. A date, time and place isn't really set yet. But I was thinking maybe meet in Enumclaw head up to lake Tipsoo/Chinook pass, as a possibility. Probably mid morning...
  10. dogboy

    Ranger Zoo Lights meet?

    I'm thinking about trying to get another Ranger Zoo Lights meet together in December for the Point Defiance Zoo. I would post on other forums but I've forgot my logins. Would anybody else be interested in going?
  11. dogboy

    Evan's Creek

    Ah man, if I had seen this earlier and the truck wasn't broke, I would have joined!
  12. dogboy


    Enumclaw is where it's at! Haha
  13. dogboy

    Calling ALL Rangers near in Western WA

    Time is my issue. I'm nose deep in project, but I'd love to get the wheeler or the 5.0l out!
  14. dogboy

    Obd2 explorer v8 with Obd1 dash?

    I've searched a little, and can't find anything. Has anybody done a 5.0l v8 swap using a 96 Explorer engine harness, but retain the 94 Ranger dash? I'm kind of stuck on my swap, because this 96 Explorer dash and body harness isn't going into my 4.0l 94 Ranger like I thought it would.
  15. dogboy

    Any one is Seattle area have a garage to rent out for a month?

    A4ld's are cake to rebuild, I've done a few. And good luck on the 5spd swap, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me, I did a 5spd swap on my Ranger about 5 years ago, my cousin did one on his Explorer this past summer, and I help my buddy do one in his B4000 in November. When I do my V8...
  16. dogboy

    94 Ranger- 2005+ nose swap, and 5.0l swap

    I figure I'll start a thread for this truck, instead of having three build threads in one, in my crew can thread. It's a 94 4.0l 5spd 4wd with a 4" lift that I picked up for $500. It started out as an ugly truck, that I was just going to throw a clutch at, clean it up, and sell it. After...
  17. dogboy

    Trail info

    I have nothing helpful, but it seems like it'd be cool road to find!
  18. dogboy

    TRS banner in WA, want to set up a meet?

    I thought it had already come and gone through Washington??

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