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  1. jonsranger

    Full truck wiring diagram?

    Ah ok, After looking a bit deeper the $10 one was only a few pages, but the other one was a whole book. Got it ordered. Thank you for letting me know these existed. Like you said the more reference material the better.
  2. jonsranger

    Full truck wiring diagram?

    Ooh those look cool, are both links the same thing? Its hard to tell.
  3. jonsranger

    Full truck wiring diagram?

    originally the truck was a 2.9l, then I swapped in a carbed 302, and recently put a roller 302 that I am putting the self contained Holley Sniper efi system on. its pretty sensitive to RFI hence why I'm trying to get rid of extra wires, plus I do want the engine bay to look nice.
  4. jonsranger

    Full truck wiring diagram?

    Also, I am starting with just 2'x3' paper like on a large presentation pad. But I have access to SolidWorks Electrical at my work that I am eventually going to remake my diagram in that
  5. jonsranger

    Full truck wiring diagram?

    That's not a bad idea, I am already going to draw each wire in the labeled colors. My biggest thing is the like 10 connectors that arn't being used anymore, I want to get rid of those
  6. jonsranger

    Full truck wiring diagram?

    So before I get too far along on this, has anyone made a full truck wiring diagram? I've got one of the EVTMs which has most of the diagrams in it, but they are all broken up so it is easier to see individual components. I need to see the whole big picture for me to comprehend it, I am trying to...
  7. jonsranger

    2004 seats in 90?

    Ok, just an update. I did end up getting these seats installed. I found a video explaining how to take the seats apart to remove the seat tracks. So I did that, disassembled the 04 seats to remove the seat tracks. Then removed my original 60/40 non-headrest seats, and removed the seat tracks...
  8. jonsranger

    2004 seats in 90?

    I have been searching through this thread and the tech page, but I swore I saw a post where someone had done something similar to what I am doing. However I can't find it to save my life. Anyways, I've got a '90 std cab, and got some nice cloth seats from a 04 std cab, both are the 60/40 style...
  9. jonsranger

    Fuel pump and sending unit swap?

    I'd love to use AN line, but I'm pretty sure the cost of it would be way too much, with getting however much line plus 4 sets of fittings, and some 90 deg joints. the 2000 and up might work, the sniper unit has a built in regulator, but I'm not sure if the return line is pressurized on it or not.
  10. jonsranger

    Fuel pump and sending unit swap?

    I'm not sure of the exact hp, but heads, cam, intake, headers, ignition, I should be around 375 give or take. (The Edelbrock top end kit with the same heads I have is rated at 380) I don't want to go to returnless if I can help it, Holley does offer a universal unit, I just didn't want to spend...
  11. jonsranger

    Fuel pump and sending unit swap?

    So I got a Holley Sniper efi set up with the hyper spark ignition for a steal. However, I basically need to run a completely new fuel system with 3/8" line that can handle 60 psi. My '90 ranger that had the 2.9 in it has 5/16" line that needs to be replaced anyways. My question is for the fuel...
  12. jonsranger

    Quick help with tool sizes

    OK, thanks guys, along with the regular pliers and screwdrivers, that should get me going. I have one other question too, how do you remove the passenger side directional vents from the dash in a gen 2 ranger? I'm going to look for some of thoes since mine are busted up.
  13. jonsranger

    Quick help with tool sizes

    So my junkyard just got a 04 ranger with the seats I want to swap out with. What tools do I need to remove the seats? and the headliner and basic center console it looks like one of those basic fleet trucks? I'm at work and can't really spend a lot of time searching for answers. Thanks, Jon
  14. jonsranger

    90 Ranger V8 Explorer rear axle brakes

    Wow that is a crazy huge thread, I'll have to read it when I get home from work, the bit I've read so far looks really helpful though. Did you deal with the ABS any?
  15. jonsranger

    90 Ranger V8 Explorer rear axle brakes

    So I've done a carbed 302 swap, and a 8.8 disc brake rear axle from a 01 explorer WITH the explorer master cylinder into my 1990 single cab, reg bed, 2wd Ranger that had a 2.9 and 5 speed in it originally. I don't have the stock computer from the ranger anymore. I'm ocd and crazy and am about to...
  16. jonsranger

    8.8 swap abs/brake questions

    I just did the 8.8 swap from a 2001 exploder into my 90 single cap swb ranger. It came with a 7.5, but I previously swapped in a 9in. Now that I have disc brakes I'd like to hook the abs back up if I can.:icon_welder: 1. The sensor on the axle sorta plugs up to the factory pig tail but it...
  17. jonsranger

    Replacement Cab mounts

    where were you about a month ago, i could have saved myself some headache
  18. jonsranger

    Y-Pipe interchange

    Hi, I have a '92 super cab, 4x4 4.0 liter ranger, I had to cut the exhaust y pipe to get the trans out, it was rusted really bad at the converter. I was wondering what other years and engines I can get a y pipe off of so that it will bolt up. My y-pipe only had the 1 o2 sensor, so I'm pretty...
  19. jonsranger

    body mount brackets, and spring buckets

    My '92 ex cab 4x4 ranger has a few rust issues, which I couldn't see when I bought it. 1. the drivers side rear cab mount bracket is pretty much gone, 2. the upper rear shock mounts are gone, 3. the front left spring bucket is cracked in half, the only thing holding it up is a strip of metal...
  20. jonsranger

    Door Lock Cylinder help

    Does anybody know if a place where i can get new door lock cylinders, lmc, ford, advance auto, autozone, o reilly's all dont carry them anymore. Anybody scrapping a truck where I could buy the cylinders? I've searched, but the ones relevant are years old, back when they were still made. thanks...

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