Has it been done?
My plan was to take out the pass seat, and put my 43hz tuned box to the seat rails, and my amp to the back wall.
I am going to run a Massive Audio Rhino, Which can take 10000w in a burp.
Any pics of this being done, Or any cool stories about rangers competing in SPL drags...
Any of you audiophiles have any experiance with active crossovers?
I was looking at this one, http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_21980_Kicker+KX2+-03KX2-.html
And i have a perfect spot to mount it, But would it help my sound quality immensely?
And yes, I do have bass and treble amps. So the...
Went to my local trade center last night, and talked to some crazy asian dude.
I asked him what the best truck sub he had was, He showed me some crazy like square flat panel sub, I said, whats the cheapest, He brings out a Crunch GRP12D4. I was like, alright, How much, He says 20 bucks.
What is all needed to do a 302 Swap in my 92 XLT.
I have an 88 Bronco, 4wd, Runs and drives. And i want to take the 302 out of that, And drop it in the ranger, The ultimate sleeper.
Now i heard i need a t5 trans from a 5.0 Mustang? Is this true?
Am i gonna need to upgrade rear ends...
I got some tweeters. They claim they have built in crossovers, But in dont believe that.
My question is what capacitor should i use to cut bass out of a 150w tweeter.
i dont have a clue on microfarads and stuff like that.
If anyone could give me a hand, That would be greatly...
I had a brilliant idea last night while having my windshield replaced (I love new windshields)
Why dont people put tweeters in the b- pillars?
So i gave my truck a good hard look, and realized i have space for some tweeters up there.
Im calling a guy about a set of crossovers, And ive got a...
Amp wont power up.
I have good 12v at both the lines, Ang good ground.
Still i have no light, Not even protect.
Screw Sony. Absolute garbage. :annoyed:
Anyone got a idea?
Maybe another amp for sale?
Theres threads about amps, Subs, speakers.
Lets see some head units.
Ill start.
Pioneer DEH-1000
Old as hell, Works like new.
It gets the job done for me!
Lets see yours.
My buddy has these but blue in his jeep compass.
I think they would be nice for night time...
How would i do this?
Just for coolness sake, I think it would be the shit.
Do they make like a box i can wire in?
Im fairly good at wiring, So i could be able to figure it out,
Would dynamat on just my doors help my cause for sound quality?
Has anyone successfully done dynamat on thier RBV?
I would love to do this, But im not sure it if would help all that much.
Comments appreciated. :icon_thumby:
Whos got some cool vinyl?
Post up your rear windows, Tailgates, Bumpers, And Panels.
Heres my rear window.
American Flag, USAF Logo, And my favorite, The Decipitcon logo, Cause we all know my truck turns into a robot at night.
Chop these rims.
On this truck...
Pos+ rep in return.
Just ordered my new set of door speakers.
I had those blaupunkts, But they needed crossovers, and tweeters.
I figured, I just might as well go big.
Ive grown to love fusion, As my cousin has 2 12" Encounter subs in his... sorry trs... Jeep.
So i going to give them a try, They are...
I was thinking of colors.
and i like calypso green on my truck, But im not so big on the chrome/silver
I took a can of flat black shake n' spray, and did the piece of metal behind the grille. (Someone had massacred it with a can about a year ago, i wire brushed it all down, and did it the...
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