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  1. Steering Coupler Rag Joint

    Thanks. I'll check that. It's a 94xlt. All the parts I've seen online refer to an F-series Ranger. Not sure if its the same. I think I can unbolt the brake master cylinder from the booster and lay it back and get to it from there.
  2. Steering Coupler Rag Joint

    Is it very difficult to change?
  3. Steering Coupler Rag Joint

    What's the best way to change this? Can I put a hose clamp around this in the meantime? Thanks.
  4. Clutch Safety Switch

    It seems that the clutch master is from a 4 cylinder. A friend has a 94 4 cylinder and his clutch master does not have the spring clip on it. SO, the 4 cylinders are different than the 6 cylinders clutch masters. That might explain the stiff pedal also. I went back to the tranny shop and they...
  5. Clutch Safety Switch

    Are the V6 clutch components different from the 4 cylinder ones? A friend has a 4 and the clutch master is different than mine.
  6. Clutch Safety Switch

    Checking around it looks like the 95 clutch master has the orientation clip on it.
  7. Clutch Safety Switch

    My switch module floats freely on the rod. There is supposed to be an orientation clip on the end of the clutch master that clips into the switch that is not there. Looks like maybe it never had one. Thats why I think this clutch master is for another vehicle.
  8. Clutch Safety Switch

    Thanks. OK. Here's what happened. Clutch master went out and I had it towed to a "profesional" tranny shop. They replaced the clutch master but when I got it back, I noticed it would start up without the clutch being depressed. Odd??? I figured they put in the wrong part from an old ranger that...
  9. Clutch Safety Switch

    What year did Ford start putting a clutch safety switch on Rangers? Thanks.
  10. clutch pedal went stiff and then i broke it

    I'm taking mine to pep boys to get the master replaced.
  11. 94 clutch master 3.0 question

    Many thanks. The master cylinders come pre-charged as I understand. Do you know of a metal rod?
  12. 94 clutch master 3.0 question

    Is changing the clutch master a diy project? Pedal has gotten stiff and I'm afraid it's going to bust the plastic push rod again. Is there a metal push rod available? Oreilleys has a power torque kit available CM1281 for $54.99 which has a metal pushrod. Anybody been down this road? Thanks.
  13. Intermittent Random engine cut-offs

    You da man, RonD. Thanks.
  14. Intermittent Random engine cut-offs

    Seems to be a loss of 12V to the fuel pump. Replaced relays. 94 OBD1 Ranger 3.0. Thanks.
  15. Idling Issue

    Won't re-start after it cuts off. Has 296K on it. You can cycle the ignition switch on/off several times and it will restart. Fuel pump relay has been changed. Thanks.
  16. Idling Issue

    Starts up from cold start good. As it warms up to operating temp it idles lower and lower and lower then cuts off like it's run out of gas. Never skips. Has a new IAC valve. This is a 94 3.0 OBD1. I don't have a fuel pressure gauge but the schrader valve squirts out good up to the hood. Thanks.
  17. Fuel Pump Longetivity Report

    Guess I got what I paid for. Turns out that Masterpro was only guaranteed for a year. There is another model that has a lifetime warranty. Also there is a pump motor that just replaces the pump part. Anybody ever done that. The pump motor is a lot cheaper than the whole thing. Thanks.
  18. Fuel Pump Longetivity Report

    My Masterpro MPA27004 lasted 2 years 1 month and 15 days. It was a Chinese brand from Oreilleys. Does anybody know of a better brand. I doubt I can get one from Ford for a 94 truck. Pulling that bed is such a pain in the @$$. Thanks.
  19. Question about clutch master cylinder reservoir.

    Thanks all. If you've got a leak in the slave would the level in the reservoir go down? Or would air get in the line and not necessarily come to the top? I think you could jack up the driver's side and that would facilitate getting air out doing a gravity bleed. I checked my records and this...
  20. Question about clutch master cylinder reservoir.

    I've never seen low fluid level in there. Can't you bleed it like you do brakes? Run a hose from the bleed valve back up to the reservoir, slowly pump it and make sure the reservoir doesn't run dry? Thanks.

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