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Search results

  1. bw1350 to bw1354 swap

    Swap the front half of the case, instead of getting a different driveshaft
  2. bw1350 to bw1354 swap

    I have a similar issue with I was given a 1354 instead of a 1350... Would it work if I swapped the front case? Would they match up anybody know? They look pretty damn similar
  3. Bw 1350 and 1345

    Yeah I appreciate it. I need the part so if there's a way we can message on here in all for making something work
  4. Bw 1350 and 1345

    Well I mean how do I know you're legit or not. Do you have any contact info. Picture of the shaft, yah know something I can go off and hopefully not get scammed
  5. Bw 1350 and 1345

    I am interested
  6. Bw 1350 and 1345

    Ahh that makes sense, I guess ill see what I can find with that one
  7. Bw 1350 and 1345

    I guess I'm not entierly sure but i see people with listings for a 1345, I guess it could just be a typo on their end. I can't say I'm versed in all the different options
  8. Bw 1350 and 1345

    So anybody with more knowledge than me, i cannot find the main output shaft for my bw1350. People have mentioned these t cases are similar and I can find the shaft listed for 1345.... Anybody know if they are the same? Or somewhere i can cross reference the part numbers
  9. Wanted BW 1350 T case(or an output shaft CT

    I need the rear out put shaft. And if that's so that would sure be helpful. But nothing comes up for my search other than the smaller 1356 shaft. I can't say I know much about these but so far everywhere I've looked or the places I've called have said they can't find it. And by more or less...
  10. Wanted BW 1350 T case(or an output shaft CT

    Dunno if I can delete these but I was able to get my hands on something that works, appreciate the feedback

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