Rebuilding life you could say...
I've got 4 Supercab 1st gen Rangers (need more and some Bronco II's to match)
86 4x4 - Ole Red - My fully loaded baby (even with 2 tanks). #dreamtruck
87 4x4 - Project (Unnamed and yet to start)
87 4x4 - Old Katrina stranded rescue, was to be a project for my late fiance and I but that'll begin soon enough
88 4x2 - Susie Q - Current Project - Debating replacing the current 2.9, or go 5.0HO since I have 2 extras?
Plan to lower 3/4 , clean and restore (interior done) replace bed and so on
- Location
Fort Worth, TX
- Vehicle Year
- Make / Model
Ford Ranger
- Engine Type
2.9 V6
- Transmission
- 2WD / 4WD
- I use this vehicle for