I am a U.S. Army Veteran 100% disabled, I served 8 years in the Army. I deployed 1 time during my 8 years in the Army. I enjoy distance bicycle riding, going to the gym,going to movies, watchin Netflix,listening to music etc... I just purchased a v8 swapped ranger, I did not do the swap myself so i am learning about the truck still. Its my second Ford Ranger. I had one as my first car at 17 but sold it. I am 35 years old now.
- Location
- Have You Attended An 'Official' TRS Event?
- Vehicle Year
- Make / Model
Ford Ranger XLT
- Engine Type
- Engine Size
Ford Mercury 5.0 v8
- Transmission
- 2WD / 4WD
- I use this vehicle for
Recreation mostely transporting my bicycles around
- Military Service
U.S. Military - Veteran